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The Cane Toad


A group of research, conservation and land management organisations running the largest Cane toad mitigation strategy to date...

Teaching native predators not to eat the highly toxic toads!

An innovative conservation strategy to buffer the devastating impact of Cane toads on native fauna.
A coalition of dedicated organisations.

Invasive Cane toads are heavily impacting Australian ecosystems by fatally poisoning thousands of top-order predators like quolls, goannas, snakes and crocodiles. Researchers at Macquarie University (previously at Sydney University) have discovered a way to reduce that impact by training predators before the main toad invasion front arrives. If a predator eats a small meal containing toad toxin (small toads or toad sausages) that makes it sick but doesn't kill it, it can remember that negative experience and won’t eat any more toads – of any size (like an experience with food poisoning). So, the predator will survive when the big toads arrive. This is called Conditioned Taste Aversion (CTA) and we have shown that it works in field trials on quolls, goannas and bluetongue lizards. It is our only hope of buffering the impact of cane toads on native predators.


In conjunction with Macquarie University, a coalition of research, conservation and land management organisations is training native predators not to eat Cane toads on a landscape scale ahead of the toad invasion in Northern Australia.

VIDEO: The Cane toad problem and Conditioned Taste Aversion (CTA) explained

(Source: Fairfax media and University of Sydney)

Surviving the cane toad invasion
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The experimental phase of the project ran from 2017 - 2021; we are now in the conservation roll out phase. Click on boxes below to find out more.

The Coalition
The Coalition
The Strategy
The Strategy
Working Together
Working Together
Media, Outreach,Resources
Media, Outreach,Resources
Cane toad Problem
Cane toad Problem
Native Species
Native Species
From the Field
From the Field
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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners who we collaborate with and whose land we do this work on.

We recognise their continuing connection to culture, land and waters, now, and always.

We pay our respects to their elders, past, present and emerging.

* This site is intended for educational and information purposes only. While we make every effort to ensure content on this website is culturally sensitive, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors are advised voices and images of deceased people may appear on the site.

Designed and managed by Dr. GeorgiaWard-Fear. Copyright 2024.

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